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Meet the Founders and TMMS Team

Founder & High Priest

Merry Meet! Welcome to Triple Moon Sanctuary! My name is Rev. Thomas Wolff and I am the founder and High Priest of Triple Moon Ministries. We are a Multi-Path Pagan Outreach Ministry, Sanctuary and Coven located just south of St. Louis in Robertsville, MO. I was brought up in a Pagan/Celtic/druidic Family and Tradition.

Feel free to contact us at any time if we can help you, a loved one, or someone you know in that is need. Contact us on FB anytime.


God and Goddess Bless )0( /|\

Co-Founder & High Priestess


Merry Meet! Welcome to Triple Moon Sanctuary! My name is Gretchen Wolff and I am the co-founder, children's coordinator, and High Priestess of Triple Moon Sanctuary. I want to take a moment to thank you all in advance for your donations as we would not be able to do what we do for our community, and yours, without your generosity.

Feel free to contact us at any time if we can help you, a loved one, or someone you know in that is need. Join our FB Study Group!

God and Goddess Bless!


Online Administrator & Partner

Merry Meet and welcome to Triple Moon Sanctuary. My name is Rev. Lori. Along with being a supporting member of Triple Moon Santuary, I am a First Degree Priestess of The Correllian Nativist Tradition, I have walked many paths before finding what was right for me and becoming a Wiccan Priestess. One of my  goals is to see all Pagans UNITE. Although we may walk different paths, they all lead to the same place. The names of our Deities may differ but the love does not.


Feel free to contact us at any time if we can help you, a loved one, or someone you know in that is need.


May you all be God and Goddess Blessed )0(

High Priestess Triple Moon sanctuary-Connecticut Chapter

Merry Meet I am Priestess Jessica B.  of Triple Moon Sanctuary & Coven Connecticut Chapter, Which is run by me with the support of our  Founding Temple, Based in Robertsville, Missouri and We Pledge to Serve our Pagan Communities here in Connecticut and Nationwide just as Our Mother Temple. Coming soon to this location will be Triple Moons Pagan Pantry and Free Store Helping to feed and cloth our Pagan Community FREE of charge. If you are in or around Mystic, Connecticut or surounding areas You can contact our Temple Here or on Facebook


E-Mail us @

                  Blessed Be )O(

Triple Moon strives for excellence in the craft, of ourselves and community. We are outspoken in the community in regards to Religious Equality and Tolerance, to try and educate others that would look on our Pagan community with fear, distrust, or hate, in the hope that one day all that are Pagan can step out of the Broom Closet with their heads held high in pride so that we are no longer treated as lesser beings for our beliefs and or practices. We are LGBT friend and ally.


We are a full-service Pagan Church and offer many different services to our community. Services Provided are but not limited to : Weddings/Handfastings both fully pagan and Christian friendly, pagan Baptisms/wiccanings, Clergy work, "yes If you are in the greater St. Louis area and want a Pagan Minister to come see you or a loved one just contact us." as well as Home/Business Blessings and Cleansing's, cursed item removal. If you are in need of something that is not listed please feel free to contact us and we will see what we can do for you. )0( /|\

  Triple Moon help's our Pagan Communities both locally and nationwide. We are funded by way of donations, Coven made jewelry and item's and Spiritual/Craft related products. The Coven has started a Metaphysical shop online and at the Sanctuary in Robertsville, MO for your shopping convenience. If it is Craft or Spiritually related we have it! Blessed Be )0( /|\

Triple Moon  Ministries & Sanctuary

A  Non-Profit Pagan Outreach Ministry & Coven

Copyright ©2015-2018 Triple Moon Ministries & Sanctuary Inc.

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