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Bless You

Bless You

Bless you for your Anger, for it is a sign of Rising Energy. Direct it not at your family, waste not on your enemy. Transform the energy into versatility and it will bring you prosperity.

Bless you for the times you see evil. Evil is energy mishandled and it feeds on your support. Feed it not and it will self destruct. Shed light and it will cease to be.

Bless you for your jealousy, for it is a sign of empathy. Direct it not at your family. Direct it not at your friends. Transform the energy to Admiration, and what you admire will become a part of your life.

Count your blessings everyday for they are your protection which stands between you and what you wish not. Count your curses and they will be a wall which stands between you and what you wish.

SO MOTE IT BE! - Rev. Thomas

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A  Non-Profit Pagan Outreach Ministry & Coven

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