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Celtic Tree Month of Oak June 10th-July 7th

By- Rev. Thomas - Today marks the beginig of the Celtic Tree Month of Oak.

Seventh month of the Celtic Tree calendar, June 10th - July 7th Seventh consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Duir Planet: Jupiter and Mars

Element: Water Symbolism: Sovereignty, rulership, power, Strength & Endurance, Generosity & Protection, Justice & Nobility, Honesty & Bravery Stone: Diamond, Aventuring Metal: Gold Birds: Oriole, Wren Color: Gold Deity: The Dagda, The Green Man, Janus, Diana, Cybele, Hecate, Pan Sabbat: Summer Solstice (Litha) Folk Names: Jove's Nuts, Juglans

As the Tree of the Dagda, the oak offers protection and hospitality without question, although its true rewards are only apparent to the honest and brave. The ancient Celts deplored lies and cowardice. To be judged mean spirited could result in exclusion from the clan, which was one of the most shameful and most feared of all possible punishments. Like the oak, we would do well to receive without prejudice all those who seek our help, sharing what we have without resentment or reservation. The oak reminds us all that the strength to prevail, come what may, lies in an open mind and a generous spirit. Inflexibility, however, is the oak's one weakness and the tree is prone to lose limbs in storms. The oak therefore carries the warning that stubborn strength that resists will not endure and may break under strain.

The oak's status was (and still is) undeniable. Further merit to its regal presence is its tendency to attract lightning. This was considered hugely powerful among the ancients and is associated with one of their foremost gods, Dagda. Its attraction for lightning, its size and longevity (oaks are known to easily surpass 200 years of age) all make the oak a powerful, life-affirming symbol.

The oak is a living legend representing all that is true, wholesome, stable, and noble. When you are in need of stability and strength in your life - envision the oak in your minds eye. Picture yourself drawing into its endless energy waves. Soon, you will find yourself sharing in its power. There is a reason the oak is considered the king of green realm. The oak is generous with its gifts - just as any good ruler shares its bounty among the kingdom.

Medicinal properties: The medicinal part of the Oak is its bark, because of the strong astringent properties. Internally as a tea it helps fight diarrhea and dysentery. Externally it can be used to treat hemorrhoids, inflamed gums, wounds, and eczema. The tannin found in Oak can help reduce minor blistering by boiling a piece of the bark in a small amount of water until a strong solution is reached, and applying to the affected area. To cure frostbite, American folk medicine called for collecting oak leaves that had remained on the tree all through the winter. These leaves were boiled to obtain a solution in which the frostbitten extremities would soak for an hour each day for a week.

Magickal properties: Dreaming of resting under an Oak tree means you will have a long life and wealth. Climbing the tree in your dream means a relative will have a hard time of it in the near future. Dreaming of a fallen Oak means the loss of love. If you catch a falling oak leaf you shall have no colds all winter. If someone does get sick, warm the house with an Oak wood fire to shoo away the illness. Carry an acorn against illnesses and pains, for immortality and youthfulness, and to increase fertility and sexual potency. Carrying any piece of the Oak draws good luck to you (remember to ask permission and show gratitude.) The Oak trees essence helps boost energy levels and the ability to manifest our goals. King Arthur's round table was said to be made from a single cross section of a large Oak.

Its tradition for the Litha fire to be oak wood representing the God, since this is the time of year when Oak reaches its Zenith power. The tree's roots mirror its branches and stretch as far below ground as the branches do above..

Witches often danced beneath the Oak Tree for ritual. The druids would not meet for ritual if there was not an Oak tree present. Idols were made from Oak wood.

Oak Fairy

Oak is one of the most sacred trees, traditionally prized by the Celts and Druids. The Oak fairy is very powerful, and imparts strength and endurance to any who stay within its aura. Each Oak tree is a very metropolis of fairies, and each acorn has its own sprite. Bringing one into the house is a way to enhance contact with the fairy realm. Oak beams are often used to make doors, but the tree itself is a great portal to the other realms. The Oak is associated with many gods all over the world, notably Zeus and Thor. In sacred groves of Oak, the Goddess was believed to impart her wisdom through oracles. The Oak has sheltered many a king and hero, in myth and real life. The oak spirit is distinct from fairies, and may become very angry if trees are felled or wildlife harmed.

The Oak fairy brings courage and a stout heart, necessary to brave the challenges in this world and to journey in the underworld. Bearing strength from the heart of the earth, Oak fairy can bring steadiness and a deep joy that endures through all. The Oak represents courage and endurance and the protective power of faith. The tree's noble presence and nurturing habit reassured ancient peoples that, with the good will of their gods, their leader, and their warriors, they could prevail against all odds.

We hope that you enjoyed this article, you can contact us any time either here or on FB with any questions or comments blessed be )O(

Text is by Rev. Thomas DiVinny with credit to The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey

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