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By- SSG Eric C. - All Earth based religions in one aspect or another have always had a warrior sect throughout history. The purpose of military is to protect a countries borders and way of life from militant terrorists that despise them. As Pagans, it is not only these terrorists we must watch but also our own government and the fundamentalist Christian politicians trying to override the Constitution to make this a, “Christian Nation”. If there were no Pagans represented in the military it would be easier for these fundamentalists to prove their point.

All Soldiers are fighting for the Constitution and in doing so, preserving the religious freedoms we so enjoy in this nation, Paganism included. Now, the other point is involving the Wiccan Rede and the Rule of Three of harming none. Does this apply to war? No, I don’t believe so. Warrior paths for one don’t bide by the Rule of Three, as a warrior believes in karma for the wrongdoings he may do, but is willing to face that energy. A warrior believes in protecting oneself and self-defense. My specific jobs in the Army are Medical and Maintenance Supervisor so I don’t put myself specifically in the front lines; although if found there, could still accomplish my mission if killing was called for with no remorse as is called for in the Warrior Path. These Soldiers who come into the military knowing what we stand for and then claim “Conscientious Objector” as was one case in Germany completely disgusts me as I see it as a waste of our time and training. If you don’t have warrior blood you shouldn’t’ be military whether its infantry or support as anyone can wind up in the front lines, mortared or overrun which brings the front lines to you. I’ll close with this, I said in a previous article that we aren’t war-mongers, most of us hate war and being away from our families, but when our Commander-In-Chief calls on us we answer thunderously and victoriously. My job is to bring your kids, nieces, nephews, and grandkids home alive and leave no man behind. I also ensure our religious freedoms are honored in combat and that we as Pagan Soldiers are allowed to practice our Rites and Rituals without prejudice and discrimination. Next time you watch CNN and see our troops, remember this, he or she may be a fellow pagan warrior. Blessed Be! ~SSG Eric Cooper / Retired - Founder Forest Moon Grove.


Here is a short bio on SSG Eric and his work with Forest Moon Grove - Forest Moon Grove is a Pagan Network based on Pagans in the Military, we have a homeless closet, we are a Pagan Education reference, offer public rituals, handfastings, Crossings-over, baby blessings, house blessings, and offer a large paranormal team that handles the worst of the worst and deals with everything from spirits and hauntings, UFO and alien abduction, to Bigfoot and Cryptids, we have a radio show which is used as the voice of Forest Moon every Sunday night 7PM PST called S-4 W/E2 named after the bunker at Area 51. We focus heavy on Pagans in the Military and Veterans issues, we send Pagan supplies to deployed Troops, offer DRGL status to Soldier's needing to start a group. We can be contacted on our group on Facebook - and a link to his radio show -

Thank you for reading! We hope that you enjoyed this article and if you would like to see more from SSG Eric C. feel free to let us know.

You can contact us any time either here or on FB @

Text is by SSG Eric Cooper / Retired

Images Via Triple Moon Coven &

Copyright©2016 Triple Moon Ministries & Eric C. All rights reserved


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A  Non-Profit Pagan Outreach Ministry & Coven

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