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Parliament of World Religions 2015

This past week almost 10,000 people of many faiths and cultures gathered at The Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, Utah for the 2015 Parliament of World Religions. This five day conference showed much more than the ability for many faiths and cultures to get along, but how our goal to strive for a world filled with peace and love for Mother Earth is worldwide. For the many that feel our humanity is slipping away it is reassuring to know there are many in the world working to restore it. The Sikh went above and beyond spreading peace and oneness throughout the week. Their information booth; packed daily, provided turbans in many beautiful colors for those who wanted to experience wearing one. This beautiful gesture represented all people are equal as opposed to only royalty wearing them. Aside from wrapping thousands of heads The Sikh Religion also provided a daily Langar prepared to feed all who wished to participate. The food that was left over was donated to a local shelter and fed 600 homeless. The generosity, compassion, kindness and gratitude from these wonderful people especially the youth was heartfelt by many. Many cultures can benefit from there values. To learn more about the Sikh Religion see an interview on MagickTV @ The indigenous tribe of Utah lit a sacred fire starting off the week and maintained its flame throughout the night for all five days. The morning ritual and prayer was spiritually moving. The large metal fire pit had seven slots four of the seven represented the directions or elements one represented Mother Earth one Father Sky and the last all of Us. The surrounding circle had four paths inside of it leading to the pit where we were able to make offerings and give thanks to said guardians of each direction. To see the beautiful ritual and prayer go to MagickTV on Many other indigenous tribes from around the world attended spreading their concerns for Mother Earth and that all that inhabit her are one and equally important and must work together. This week amongst all in attendance the message was clear; we may all walk different paths, our beliefs may not be identical, ours Gods and Goddesses may have different names all agreed on one thing Peace and equality throughout the world for all race, religions and gender. The Wiccan and Pagan presents was astounding. The Correllian Nativist Tradition had many in attendance beautifully robed in ritual garb for both opening and closing ceremony. Many clergy members of the CNT presented workshops; Rev. Eblis Pendradon who did a workshop on Contemporary Paganism and Rev. Jeanine De Oya presented on African Americans in Contemporary Paganism. M.Rev. Donald Lewis Highcorrell, Rt. Rev. Stephanie Neal and Rev. Laurie Denman presented on International Peace Warriors and the crystal web. Another Correllian, Rev. Karen Silva was asked to speak on the subject of sacred dance, what an honor. The CNT was not the only Wiccan's and Pagans there. Also in attendance were many members of the following groups. Circle Sanctuary FOI(fellowship of Isis) COG(Coven of the Goddess. The Wiccan religion had a fellow Wiccan co chair this years Parliament. A very big TY to Phyllis Curott. The religion of Scientology was also in attendance. They were offering many great programs for all religions to use to help their own congregations. Learn more about these programs and other great works from the wonderful people of Scientology and others in attendance go to MagickTV @

Rev. Lori Barberio Keigans Correllian Press Corps

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A  Non-Profit Pagan Outreach Ministry & Coven

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