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Crystal Lore & Uses Lesson #2



Good Day to all! Todays Lesson will ne on Amethyst as its attributes are helpful to many people, especially when they are feeling sad or low. Many people suffer during the holiday season physically, mentally and emotionally. Even when we find excitement and happiness in the good things going on sometimes one still needs a calming, supportive, super healing stone. I will be sharing information from The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall and Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes. I will post pictures of my personal amethyst specimens in the comments. Amethyst is one of the most common crystals forming in many different countries and is easily obtained. (Hall, pg 52) Both books refer to many of its attributes; spiritual, self-work, awareness, calm, divination, dream work, connection, guidance, manifestation, and well being among them. It is known to help greatly with addiction and over indulgence, has a sobering effect and supports staying that way. You may feel life when you work with amethyst because it helps avoid the numbing or self medicating of alcohol, drugs, etc, but it all works together to create balance, peace, and getting to higher states of consciousness. (Hall, pg 54 & Kynes, pg 217). Amethyst is connected to work done in the crown and throat chakras. It is able to cleanse the aura and refocus negative energy. It can be used in gridding. When working with points have them facing the direction you are willing the energy to go, either in or out. It can be held, studied, laid upon the painful area no matter where it resides. (Hall, pg 55 & Kynes, pg 217). Hall says it can aid in such various healing ways as; boosting hormone production, balancing the endocrine system, strengthens various organs and the immune system. Other healing uses are; reducing bruising, easing headaches, blocking stress, diseases of the lungs and digestive tract, helps eliminate insomnia and relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain, although Hall cautions against using amethyst in cases of paranoid schizophrenia. (Hall, 55) One of the amethysts I will post a pic of is a chevron amethyst wand. This particular type of amethyst is one of the best 3rd eye stimulators, enhancing both inner, intuitive vision and physical outer vision. It is powerfully focused energy that dissipates and repels negativity while diagnosing disturbances in the aura as well as clearing them. I will definitely be spending more time with mine on my most painful areas as it is good at boosting the immune system and harmonizing my organs. (Hall, pg 56)

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