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Crystal Lore & Uses Lesson #1

Merry Meet I am Sister Jessica and I am going to be teaching lesson's on crystals, their metaphysical and healing properties. Each week I will pick a different type of stone and include pictures as well.

Citing The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003 and Llewllyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes, 2013 tonight. I decided to start with Clear Quartz as most are familiar with it and because it is the most powerful stone for healing as well as amplifying energy. This unique crystal structure has the ability to vibrate at the persons needed frequency to facilitate a pre-disease state or allow a spiritual awakening. Clear quartz provides a connection between the mental and the physical aspects and cleanses the soul or spirit. During a meditative state quartz helps repel distractions and allows one to hone in on what they seek, whatever their intention is. It sends that energy out into the world and helps us concentrate and unlock memories. Quartz is known as a Master Healer, equally useful no matter the ailment. It works to bring balance and alignment throughout all chakras which brings a sense of lightness, or freedom. When using this stone remember its inherent power and how you go about using it. I personally do not send ill will or harm through my crystal work. (Hall, summary of pgs 225-226) In The Mineral Kingdom section of the Correspondences, quartz is associated with abundance, dignity, clarity, psychic energy, vitality, wisdom and transformation. Clear quartz shares various associations to the elements, chakras, Gods or Goddesses, Angels, and magic. Particularly for clear quartz: air, all, Hecate, Gabriel, and fairies. Other areas where clear quartz amplifies and tunes into the afterlife/astral realm, blessings, calm, consciousness, divination, harmony, love, power, self-work, and visions. (Kynes, summary of pgs 240-241) I always have clear quartz in any ritual, reading or grid making that I am doing. I have a crystal skull that lives on my nightstand and his name is Frick! I almost always am within sight of or wearing some form of quartz because I find it to be such an all around helpful, healing stone. Hope you learned something new tonight and if you have any questions please ask! I had a lot of fun getting this together and look forward to next week! I will post the pictures of my clear quartz in the comments. Brightest Blessings Brothers and Sisters!

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