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Experiencing Magick in our daily lives

By Apu Adman Aghama - Merry Meet! I am Apu Adman Aghama you may remember me from my Youtube Channel's Peace Prayer TV Videos, Well today I would like to talk about the experiences we have with Magick in our everyday lives. Ever since when I was a Child, I have a great awe and interest in magick.

This interest in magic was developed through the bed time fairy tales told by the elders in our family as well as in Television and Movies. As adults, we all know now that what we see on TV and Movies are just for entertainment only; but even it is for entertainment, my mind question if Magick is for real? If it is not why then they have thought and made such things that seems real? This questions made me seek for an answer that leads me to walk the path where I am walking now. Though in the path where we all stand now, we know that magick is just one aspect of our spiritual evolution; it is the manifestation that we are progressing towards our spiritual ascension. In Witch School of the Correllian Education Ministry, we have been taught about the principles, philosophy and practice of magick but these lesson that I'm about to share to you is not about learning techniques on how to perform magick but what im going to share here is how you will determine/recognize that you are experiencing magick everyday in your life.

Probably everyone knows already that magick is all about transformation; and in our tradition we define magick as the conscious use of will in order to affect beneficial transformation or change in our lives, and personally I use this definition in working my own personal Magick. Since Magick for me is about beneficial life transformation, so in my everyday life I have to employ Magick. Yes. Everyday! Because every moment, every minutes, every hour and everyday we need to transform and in our transformation Magick occurs. Whether you are consciously aware or unaware of it, Magick happens. Even to the non believers Magick is happening always in their life. Magick (for me in my personal opinion)doesn't choose whom to manifest with. The manifestation of Magick is all inclusive whether you believe in it or not. It just happen. So how Magick manifest in our life?

Every person has two parts in their life, that is their lower and higher selves. The lower and higher selves in man is not exclusive to a certain religion but it is inclusive because this is the reality that everyone has. So why it is the lower and higher selves are real? Every human has the lower selves which are their physical body, emotional body and intellectual body; and I believe that all will agree with that. While the Higher selves of man in accordance to our tradition consist of the astral self, soul and the monad. Here in this teaching, different religion may disagree from one another but my point here is not for disagreement but anyhow different religions believes that there is goodness within the person that makes them to do good. In our spiritual path, we are being taught to maintain balance; balance such as Yin and Yang; As above so below; As the Universe so as the Soul, etc. We as a Pagan often use the descriptive word of mundane and magickal. The word magickal in order to describe our spiritual practices; and as a Pagan our practices are not limited to the ritual performance, observance of esbat and sabat, nor in the mastery of divinatory arts, healing, etc.

Our practices are driven by our life's need in order to maintain balance; the balance between our Lower and Higher Self. Our Lower selves can be also called our mundane and worldly bodies because it deals with our everyday mundane and worldly issues. Our body needs to be clean up through hygienic practices, eat nutritious food, maintain and develop right body posture through fitness exercises and workout. We practice our emotion through social interaction, we makes friends, have a pet, and participate to social media to be entertained. While our we feed our intellect by gathering information through our senses. And beyond our intellect now we do experience our magickal self thus our Higher Self. When learning this year's ago, I ask my self how to experience this ascension to our higher self. My mind directed me to look at people in my community. And in our society, there are only two kinds of people: they are mundane and the spiritual and all of us go through to that classification of people. All of us start from being mundane.

Remember our mundane self deals about our worldly needs; thus during those times we do ask to someone for something. I want this, I want that. This is us being mundane. And if we ask, someone will give and the giver here takes the role of the spiritual and magickal. In this situation, the mundane self can cross over to the spiritual self when we as a person will stop asking and work out to produce for our selves what to supply for our needs and thus making abundance that we can also give to others. This is just one aspect of experiencing our magickal self in our everyday life. Decision making is also a process that we are experiencing Magick in our life. Since one of our higher self which is our astral body presents the choices we have to make in our physical world. So as the process of remembering things which our soul body's function of memory and the drive to always do good which our monad help us. There are many little life events that happen to us as magickal, we only have to open our eyes to recognize it. Now, can you tell me which magickal event that happen to you today? Please feel free to Comment, Ask Questions, and Share on FB @ Blessings and Have a Magickal Day!

Thank you for reading! We hope that you found this Article informative, and as always we appreciate your feedback. You may contact us here or with your comments or questions. Have a Blessed Day.

Text by Apu Adhama

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Copyright©2016TripleMoonMinistries and Apu Adman Aghama- Luntiang Aghama Natural Divine Arts Shrine of Healing Inc. All Rights Reserved

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