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Herbs Magickal Properties Lesson #8

By Kaeli A. - Today's herbal lesson is on Amaranth, a very important magickal herb if you've experienced a loss to the spirit world, and needing help in moving on in grief. So, with no further ado.. our lesson begins..

Herbs: Amaranth

Common Name Love-lies-bleeding, red cockscomb, velvet flowe

Scientific Name : Amaranthus hydrochondriacus

Origin- Mexico

Category- Amaranthaceae


Grow Zone- It is native to the Andean valleys of South America, which extends from southern Ecuador to northern Argentina

Planet : Mars

Deities: Artemis

Element: Fire

Masculine or Feminine: Masculine

Toxicity: Not toxic, edible

Description: Amaranth plants can easily top 5 feet in height and they are fairly bushy. Make sure you plant it where there is lots of space. You would want to plant this when the soil temperature is about 65 F.. (Not sure what this is in Celcius, so I will have to translate this for myself, since the one writing it is a Canuck :) . Please take care in where to plant this, as it will pretty much take over your entire garden if you're not careful.

Seeds should be only a quarter inch under the soil, and each plant should be around 10 to 16 inches apart. You can either sow seeds to that spacing, or thin later on once they sprout. The leaves are edible, so you can add the thinnings to a salad rather than waste them.

Medicinal uses- Some species have slightly astringent properties, others are diaphoretics and diuretics, and a few are tonics and stimulants.

Magickal Uses- Healing, Protection, Invisibility. Used in pagan burial ritutals. Mends a broken heart. This plant may be used to help further along the grieving process. Use at an altar in asking for protection, and especially healing after a loved one's death. And yes, this does stand out for many of us personally who have known people who have moved on into the spirit world.

Culinary Uses-

Amaranth has been used as a nutritious stample in Aztec cultures, and even considered an important aspect of religious rituatls. The women would shape a mixture of amaranth seeds with honey ( and no, I'd hardly advise this part!) human blood into idols to be eaten ceremoniously.

Today it is popped like popcorn and mixed with chocolate, honey and molasses to make a popular treat in Mexico called alegria, meaning "joy". It is named from the Greek "Never Fading Flower', it is the highly nutritious seeds, not the flower, that has nutrition packed with iron and calcium, with a fiber content that is said to be triple that of wheat. well Thats all for today stay tuned for more.

Thank you for reading! We hope that you found this Article informative, and as always we appreciate your feedback. You may contact us here or with your comments or questions. Have a Blessed Day.

Text by Kaeli A. with reference to www.earthwitchery.com

Image Courtesy of Google

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