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February Full Moon Blessings

Full Moon Blessings to all! Please Join with us in raising our voices unto the Moon! Hail The Trifecta of Beauty, Power and Knowledge! The Goddess she beckons to us all. )O(

See the Moon tonight, smiling down on me, as I cast my circle of infinity, When the Moon shines Bright Goddess calls to me, and I dance in the circle of her love. As the Maiden she tiptoes shy with her light, she is modest and pure as she graces the night,with an opal translucence the Mother is a bright ball of radiance, enchants and beguiles. Shrouded in cloud the Crone slowly waits, she ferries our souls as the darkness escapes, as I dance in the circle I offer my heart for Im bathed in the light of the lady of love. Eternal immortal the Goddess remains and the cycle of moon light begins once again, look to the moon tonight shining down on me as I chart out a circle of infinity, now moon beams bright shining down on me as I dance in a shadow in the dark and I sing to the Goddess of my heart. Look to the moon tonight shining down on me as I chant out a circle of infinity, as the moon beams bright shining down on me, as I dance in a shadow in the dark and as I sing to the Goddess of my love.

Blessed Be The Goddess and her Children on this the second Lunar of 2016! )O( /|\ Chant Lyrics by: Marie Bruce

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Triple Moon  Ministries & Sanctuary

A  Non-Profit Pagan Outreach Ministry & Coven

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